You may already have Launcher if you have purchased a device from a hardware dealer. If this is the case – or if Launcher is already installed on your device - all you need to do is set up the application (see Setting up Launcher).
If you need get Launcher, please follow these steps:
- Go to Launcher trial website
- Complete the trial form.
- The installer will automatically download and you will receive an email that contains your trial license.
When you have downloaded the application installer, follow these steps to install the application:
1. Run the installer. If you are not using an administrator account, you will be prompted to enter administrator credentials during the installation.
2. When the installer opens, choose your launch option using the Launch application on finish option.
3. Optional step: If you have previously exported settings from another Launcher installation, you may import settings by selecting the option Choose settings file and selecting the previously exported .lsf. For details on how to create a settings file, see exporting settings.
4. Press Install. This starts the installation process.
5. When the installer prompts you to enable file system access via a dialog, press Show settings to open the Windows settings.
6. In the Windows settings under Allow apps to access your file system, ensure the option is On.
7. Close the Windows settings using the close option (X) button to return to the installer.
8. The installer prompts you to confirm you have enabled file system access. Press No if you have not and follow instructions from step 5 above; otherwise, press Yes.
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