Launcher comes with a Cleanup function, which secures the meeting room according to your needs. In this article we’ll cover the two primary ways to trigger a Cleanup: Manual and Automatic Cleanup.
Triggering a manual Cleanup
The manual Cleanup function is available from the Launcher home screen and is available to anyone interacting with the application.
The process of triggering a manual Cleanup is straightforward:
- While on the home screen, press the button towards the centre of the screen labeled Clean up.
- The Cleanup operation will begin, and after a brief moment a notification appears to notify you that the Cleanup operation is complete.
- The device is now secured according to the device’s Cleanup configuration as set by the IT Administrator.
Configuring Automatic Cleanup triggers
This function is available from the application settings.
The Automatic Cleanup function can be configured to trigger based on a set of parameters found in the Launcher security settings.
All Automatic Cleanup options can be found under Security > Configure Cleanup.
After a period of inactivity
After a period of inactivity can be toggled On or Off. The period of inactivity and bandwidth usage (optional) can be set here.
At a scheduled time
At a scheduled time can be toggled On or Off. The time and day(s) of the week can be set here.
When my meetings end
When my meetings end can be toggled On or Off. This triggers the Cleanup operation when a scheduled meeting has ended.
When users disconnect
When users disconnect can be toggled On or Off. This triggers the Cleanup operation when a user disconnects their Microsoft account from the application. Please note that this option is always enabled when using the Basic Cleanup profile.
Note: An alert will appear one minute before the Automatic Cleanup trigger is executed. Any user may Confirm or Cancel the Automatic Cleanup.
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